By the time I was 20 years old, I had lived in 7 countries, gone to school in 4 languages, and been falsely accused of attempted murder. By the time I was 30 years old, I had lived and worked in a few more countries, worked in international development, a multi-national corporation in reorganization, and my own communications firm — all kinds of opportunities to observe or participate in organizational and personal evolutions.
As a result of those adventures, I had many lessons early on in i) how little I, and everyone else, controlled, and ii) that there were always multiple good (& bad) ways to address a situation. Those lessons did not keep me from later storms, but they, along with several good people, have helped me worry a bit less, and make it through with fewer bruises. Along the way, I learned another key metaphor. Everyone is an iceberg – a beautiful 10% shows, and 90% remains below the surface, unseen, and full of messy, sharp edges. These are surprisingly helpful realizations in a fast-changing world, and they help us begin to think about the characteristics or values necessary to navigate the situations and people life presents us.
Everyone and every company or organization has stories of challenges, successes, messes, insecurities, and dreams.
I’ve collected a few stories of my own lessons learned, and developed some of my own tools to simplify and stay resilient. I look forward to our exchange of experiences and insights, and to us all channeling compassion and resilience, as we continue navigating through this rich, crazy, challenging, blessing called life.
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In addition to enjoying stories (and singing!), I focus on leadership and resilience coaching, and growth strategy consulting with companies interested in sustainability and being part of the solution to community and global challenges. Experience to Resilience is an initiative of Glocal Consultants Group, LLC. If you are interested in booking a call to learn more about coaching, consulting, or stories, please click here to claim a time.
~ Be well. ~ Rachel E Patterson~