When the pandemic started, there was a LOT to learn, and there were a LOT of creative opportunities to take advantage of. There were, thankfully, so many options to fill the time no-longer spent on commuting, being out with folks, etc. Friends and family started sharing resources — articles on what we know and are trying to figure out about the novel corona-virus, what we should and shouldn’t do, theater to watch and music to listen to, movie and tv show recommendations, exercise channels on YouTube, etc, etc. It was exciting! So much creativity! And it was overwhelming.
After being exhausted for a couple weeks, I resolved
i) there’s no way I can know everything about the pandemic, and how to do everything perfectly, so
ii) I’ll focus on a few things I can do (stay home, wash my hands with soap for 20+seconds, wear a mask when outside, don’t touch my face until I’ve washed my hands, do what I can to stay healthy and manage stress) and
iii) will do my best to make the rest easier (including letting a lot of things go, but there are other posts on that). So, I centralized a lot of the fun, entertaining, or thought-provoking resources into one document, so I wouldn’t have to look everywhere for this or that specific event.
You’re welcome to check out the googledoc here. There are some fun theater, concerts, exercise options, museum tours, and some information on mindset shift, adapting to working from home, communication tools, etc; and there’s a handy “table of contents” on the left, so you can click through to the section that interests you.
Happy exploring!