Hello Readers,
Take a few, deep breaths. Slowly. This calms your nervous system, which gets us to clearer thinking. You feel it working, right? Feel free to ask me why, or to simply notice and enjoy. This time of year is always busy and stressful, as we rush through our to-dos for the end of the year, and related celebrations and expectations. It’s also a time of circulating “bugs” and multiple challenges to our immune system.
I heard a surprising phrase a few days ago– “productivity can be a sign of trauma.” Check out the video for my 2 minute reflections on context and reasons. FYI, if you watch it on youtube.com, you’ll get the subtitles. And check out the links to a few resources, below.
That, in turn, impacts mutual trust (& team effectiveness).
Take 2 minutes to watch; take a few deep breaths when you feel stressed; name the emotion you are feeling (“when you name it, you start to tame it”).
It’s the foundation of taking care of yourself.
You deserve it. And you. are. amazing!🌟
As always, if you’re interested in exploring
➡️ my 24 article series on “the alphabet soup of corporate citizenship and successful leadership in a fast changing world”, you can check them out here. Or summaries on LinkedIn (mine or Glocal’s), here.
If you have a specific interest, give me a call or drop me a line, and I’ll be happy to share a few resources or hints to support you.
➡️ recently shared resources –
- the October newsletter includes a couple links for emotional wellness, and leadership in fast-changing times.
- And the November newsletter, has a short video about managing stress through covering the basics – SNEC.
➡️ 1:1 coaching support, book a free, discovery call w/mini-session.

Click on the image for more information about the program. Any questions? Book a (free) call/zoom or drop me a line, and I’ll be happy to share more information.
Last week was Thanksgiving in the USA, and I so appreciate the change of scene and the time with so many of my loved ones. Take extra good care of yourself these next few weeks. Thanks for reading.